
Infobesity & Fat Sites

Before we hop into this week’s issue, a little personal matter… Today, my wife and I are having our 18th anniversary. 😍 18 years doing life together. She subscribes to this newsletter, too. Funnily enough, she has a little website which I manage in my Concierge program. She gets the husband discount. 😜 And she’s…


AI Killing Your Traffic?

Hope you had a great weekend. 😎 I had my whole family over on Saturday for a nice day hang-out… and Saturday night we went to our local community theater to support my daughter who is playing a role there. She’s such a little artist. 😍 Time to kick off another productive week here… Last…


Automate & Optimize

Happy Monday. Ready to kick off a new, productive week? 😎 Been super busy on this end. Among many things, I’m working on internal processes and documentation. I know…. exciting. 🤓 Strangely, though, I find it a little bit fun. I know I’m weird. On that note, one of the things I had to re-visit…


Productivity Apps & SureCart Vs. Woo

Not gonna lie… I thought last night’s Super Bowl was a little underwhelming. Not sure if you agree. The halftime show was something I could appreciate the talent for, no doubt. But, I think it went over a lot of people’s heads. You could barely even understand the words. Talented people, though. And the game…


Your WordPress Dashboard A Waste Of Space?

One of the things I almost always see when I log into somebody’s WordPress admin is… … a bunch of garbage. What do I mean? Well, it is that big admin dashboard. The screen you immediately see when you log in. And what’s usually on that thing? Widgets. Stupid, useless widgets. Like “WordPress News” and…


Is Your Site A Frankenstein?

Well, hey there! Welcome to a new week! Well, we survived our winter snap here in Florida. 🤪 I know a lot of you see snow all the time, but… snowing in Florida? Crazy! Those photos of up around I-10 look like you could have been sitting in Maine! Alas, here at our place, we…


7 Work-At-Home Strategies + End Of WordPress?

I know a lot of people are likely to be watching the events in Washington DC today, so before all of that kicks off, let’s do some business. 😇 Last week, I published two new videos. One discussing membership site navigation… in the next installment of my video series on Building A Membership Site. The…


Your Website Has “Departments”?

Ready to kick off a new week? Happy Monday. 😇 And yes… the newsletter has a few little visual changes to it today. You know me… always tweakin. 🤪 Made a few tweaks to the website, too. Might be a few more, too. In this issue, let’s talk about organizational structure… and how that divides…


Well, Hello 2025.

Well hello there! And Happy New Year to you! 🎉 For the first week in the entire year of 2024, I took last week off from producing this newsletter. I was still in “holiday mode”… and heading to my Dad’s place to spend time with family for New Years. Took the RV up there, too….


2024 Year In Review

Crazy that Christmas is this week. This week will be a lot of time spent with family…. exactly as it should be. I want to wish all of my clients and subscribers a Merry Christmas. 🎄 I hope you enjoy the day… and perhaps even get a little bit of down time. For clients, obviously…